Of course, it probably didn’t help that I was running other programs and monitoring the directories Uniconverter was reading and writing.Another good feature is camcorder live your devices like Samsung, iPhone and more. However, I learned to leave it alone and let it figure out whatever it needed to. On occasion Uniconverter would “hesitate” during processing and seem to be hung. After timing one batch of files that I converted (162) it averaged just over 4 seconds per file to complete the process. But I always came back to Uniconverter when it came to simply converting the files. In the process I used “registered” (not Free Trials) versions of some other highly rated conversion programs. I was doing so to organize my library and MP3 is the most supported format by other audio utilities. Uniconverter is fast, I have (had) a couple thousand music files I wanted to convert from various formats to MP3. I was also impressed that Uniconverter did it fast but also preserved the metadata, even cover artwork, on files I had updated prior to converting. Getting the files converted was the first step and Uniconverter came through for me. For example, the registered version makes it possible to download multiple videos simultaneously while the trial version only allows you to download them one by one. The trial version can give you most of the basic features of a video converter but I prefer the registered version of ‘Wondershare UniConverter’ as it allows users to unlock the most out of these features. Parts of the video that do not have voice explanations can also be fixed easily with subtitles that explain what the segment is all about. It provides added features like cropping out parts of a video that we do not want to be seen in a certain frame or trimming the videos into different lengths. I like this gem because it allows me to more than just change the format of a video. I found this software easy to download, install and operate as each of the steps is clear to understand even to novice users. It is super-fast and can support up to thirty times the speeds available on the conventional web and PC-based converters. It has a neat user interface that helps users to directly jump straight to the task they need to be done, by simply clicking the specific button assigned to each task.

I find ‘Wondershare Uniconverter’ a reliable solution that lets you not only convert video and audio formats but also combines other essential features such as editing, downloading, compression and sharing. We no longer have to upload videos to a third-party hosting site and have each team member download them from a shared URL. One of the things that helped me and the rest of my team most was that we can send each other smaller-sized videos without experiencing any loss in video quality.